Local Find – SideCar Doughnuts

Happy Hump Day!

Wednesdays can always feel long – you’re not quite at the weekend, and your halfway through your week. Well, welcome some delicious doughnuts into your life! SideCar is a local business in Southern California and their doughnuts are irresistible. They have their standby flavors, such as Old Fashioned, but another one that’s always on the menu is simply called Butter & Salt – um yes please! They also have a monthly rotating schedule that currently includes Oreo Cookie and Cookie Dough doughnuts. I mean come on!

This isn’t an ad at all, I am seriously just obsessed with this place. When I was pregnant with my son, I went to a doctor near one of their locations. Towards the end of pregnancy, you go to the doctor weekly, and you better believe I made this an excuse to increase my visits!

Well this place is also amazing because it gives me some seriously good ideas for recipes to try at home. All of their doughnuts are fried, but I like to try to figure out what’s going on in them, and bake the doughnuts my own way at home. Okay so maybe that’s just an excuse for me to go more often, under the guise of “research”, but whatever I need to tell myself – right?

Now stop drooling, and go eat some doughnuts!

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